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funded projects 2024

funded projects 2023

hands in laboratory gloves holding petri dish - symbol image

Cell transplantation as a novel therapy for endocrine disorders

Introduction: Adrenal glands are essential for life and control fundamental physiological functions through steroid synthesis and hormone secretion. The two main hormones secreted by the adrenal gland are cortisol (glucocorticoid) and aldosterone (mineralocorticoid). Through these…

funded projects 2022

funded projects 2021

hands in laboratory gloves holding petri dish - symbol image

Tele-Taste: Development of a taste test for clinical practice

Taste is imporant for proper nutrition and emotional well-being. Main traditional reasons for taste disorders are craniocerebral injury, infection of the upper respiratory tract, exposition to toxic substances, iatrogenic causes (e.g. radiation, middle ear surgery,…

funded projects 2020

hands in laboratory gloves holding petri dish - symbol image

Cells in Matrix

Europe, as well as other parts of the world have been affected by a dramatically increasing prevalence of diabetes that has nearly quadrupled since 1980, adult diabetes prevalence (for both T1D and T2D) reached 425…
hands in laboratory gloves holding petri dish - symbol image

Bioaktive Adhäsionsprophylaxe bei chirurgischen Eingriffen im Abdomen

Die Vermeidung von Adhäsionen nach operativen Eingriffen stellt eine der größten Herausforderungen der modernen Chirurgie dar. Aufgrund des erheblichen Leidensdrucks der Patienten und der enormen Kosten für unser Gesundheitssystem sind effektive Therapieansätze dringend erforderlich. Eine…